Our commitment to future talent is to receive a massive boost as Bentley creates 112 new trainee opportunities at Crewe in 2021
More new trainees will start their careers with Bentley in 2021 than ever before, with roles opening up across all sectors of the business. This influx of talent represents a big step towards achieving our ambitious plan to become the global leader in sustainable luxury mobility.
Applications are invited for apprentices, undergraduates and graduates, with a total of 112 positions being offered in a wide range of departments, including Engineering, Production, Marketing and Communications, Project Management, Human Resources and Health and Safety.
There will be a strong emphasis on digital technology and data analysis. Around one third of the intake will fill roles in these areas, as Bentley focuses on candidates with the required skillset to help shape the company’s ambitious Beyond100 strategy.
‘Bentley Motors is committed to continuing its focus on engaging only the finest talent, and this year will be recruiting more new trainees to its future talent programme than ever before,’ says Dr Astrid Fontaine, Bentley’s Member of the Board for People, Digitalisation and IT. ‘In the rapidly changing world of automotive, mobility and services, we will invest further in digital experiences that already exist as part of the programme. These will be vital in transforming Bentley’s entire operations to lead sustainable luxury mobility into the future.’
Beyond100 commits Bentley to a challenging and exciting future, which includes reinventing every aspect of the business with the aim of becoming end-to-end carbon neutral by 2030, and moving to full electrification through its full model range in the same timeframe.
To help design and build these Bentleys of the future, the company will focus on greater diversity, upskilling in some areas and attracting a wide range of the best talent from all walks of life, including digital innovators and creative thinkers. The new skills coming into the business via the future talent programme are key to that vision, as many of our current trainees can testify.
‘The breadth of projects I have worked on during my 18 months so far at Bentley has exceeded even my own expectations and I’ve found it so very rewarding,’ says Lilly Hulse, one of Bentley’s Digital Apprentices. ‘There is so much innovation happening in the automotive industry, and particularly at Bentley, that I feel as if I am really part of something extraordinary, and the support I have received as part of the programme feeds me with enthusiasm for my future career at Bentley.’