Last week we welcomed 16 students between the ages of 16 and 18 for a week of work experience at Bentley, offering a behind-the-scenes experience at the most sought-after luxury car brand in the world.

We asked some of our students about their experiences:

Why did you choose to do work experience at Bentley?

Oliver: My mum sent me a link for an indeed advert for the event. After reading up about the experience and researching the different opportunities I decided to apply for the learning and development role.

Priya: I chose to do work experience specifically in HR, as I was interested in what departments lie within. I knew very little on what HR actually is, and wanted to know more on how it helps the company run. I have also heard highly of Bentley from friends and family and thought it was a great place to expand my knowledge. 

What did you enjoy about your week of work experience?

Oliver: I really enjoyed learning more in depth about Bentley and its internal workings but also learning more about how an HR department functions on a day to day basis. One of my favourite parts was the impromptu conversations with different staff members and IP’s to learn more about their roles and daily tasks. One role I found particularly interesting was labour relations 

Priya: I have specifically enjoyed meeting everyone in HR, and learning more about their routes and how they have got to where they are. Doing a CV and interview workshop has been really helpful in knowing what companies like Bentley are looking for, as I knew very little on interview structures and knowing what is actually important to say. Everyone has been welcoming and when I voiced my interest in law, people made arrangements to allow me to speak to people in that department.

Has your time with Bentley helped with your future career aspirations?

Oliver: Before the work experience I was unsure about any future career aspirations, however after this week it has made me wonder if possibly a role in HR is where I want to go. I found all the discussions around HR interesting and informative.

Priya: Yes, I have spoken to many people in different areas and now know more about life and opportunities at university. I am particularly interested in studying law and have managed to speak to people in the Bentley legal department, helping me gain an understanding in what goes on legally within a company. I have also spoken to people who have done a law degree and have had many opportunities after specifically working in HR. This has helped me as it has made me sure on studying law even if I don’t fully go into the legal sector I still have opportunities and could work in HR later. 

What would be your advice to future work experience students?

Oliver: Take every opportunity that is presented whether sitting in meetings or speaking to different individuals as their knowledge is very valuable. Another point a week is a lot shorter than it seems to get all the information you might want so speak to everyone!

Priya: My advice would be to ask as many questions and try to speak to as many people as possible, even if you are unsure about the department you are doing the work experience in, you can always ask about other areas within the company if you become interested. You want to come out with as much knowledge as you can get, even if you are set or unsure about going into that career.