On Earth Day, we  published our second Sustainability Report, giving an open and transparent account of our path towards sustainable luxury mobility. 

The comprehensive report, available to read online reveals Bentley’s tireless work towards a more sustainable future. It examines every aspect of the business, including employee and customer wellbeing, even investigating how Bentley drivers and passengers can feel better after a long journey.

The new report details how colleagues now benefit from our new People Strategy. A revitalised high-performance culture includes health and wellbeing activities, promoting an overall vision of ‘success through people’. This includes the Role Model Programme of mentoring, while Future Skills and Colleague Development prepares them for the transformation to building an all-electric range of cars. The Charge Forward Leadership Programme (CFLP) targets colleagues in senior leadership roles and future talent, helping them develop and enhance their leadership capabilities.

CLICK HERE to read or download the 2024 Sustainability Report